MORE THAN 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SERVICE " The best choice for the best clients "
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We are offering professionalism and commitment throughout the complete sales process


These are the values, that make us so special…

Comprehensive consulting

Our clients always receive as much information as possible on all details concerning the legal and tax aspects of all transactions, with maximum transparency and individual support.

Professional ethics that guarantee honesty and transparency

Canarinvest Properties belongs to SIRA (Spanish International Realty Alliance – Alianza Internacional de Realtors en España) in which we adhere to a strict code of ethics based on maximum professionalism and public protection.


Canarinvest Properties offers its clients maximum guarantee and further disposes of a deposit insurance as well as a liability insurance.

Full catalogue of services

  • Buying and selling / rentals / investments / holiday homes.
  • Documentary procedures (mortgage loans, notaries, etc).
  • Reforms / Decoration / Maintenance, etc.

Member of ACEGI and BOICAN

ACEGI counts more than 104 companies in the Canary Islands to give the sector its unique voice. BOICAN ist the most powerful tool on the market for the fast and professional distribution of real estate as well as the most effective tool for the collaboration with agencies.

International team with a great domain of several languages

Our staff and collaborators speak several languages: Spanish, English, German, Italian, French, etc. In this way we guarantee to respond to our clients in their native language.

Canarinvest is an official member of

Asociación Canaria de empresas de gestión inmobiliaria
Bolsa de inmuebles de Canarias
Council of Residentials Specialists
National Association of Realtors

Our team

We would like to present you our multilingual team that will help you in all matters related to the sale and purchase, regardless whether you are a seller or a buyer.

Our team has an intensive and continuous training with the official titles of Real Estate Manager, CRS (Council of Residential Specialists) and Real Estate Agent.

Renate Arnsteiner


Renate Arnsteiner

Real Estate Manager, CRS, Realtor

Spain   United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland   Germany   France   Italy

In the sector since 1997 and co-founder of ACEGI, the Canarian Trade Association of Real Estate Agents (Asociación Empresarial Canaria de Gestores Inmobiliarios) in 2008, Renate has helped thousands of people to fulfil their dreams over more than 2 decades. Renate can’t imagine working in any other sector as she has been in her profession since she was very young.

Natalia S.


Natalia S.


Spain   Germany   United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

With extensive experience in customer service and document management, with studies in tourism and human resources. She has joined the Canarinvest Properties team with a great desire to learn, to contribute her enthusiasm and motivation. She is the person in charge of having the documentation ready and updated for all the real estate operations we carry out. Her determined, detail oriented nature and meticulous work make her the ideal person for the job. In addition, she loves working in a team, a very important value to support our sales team.

Lorena Martos

Real Estate Advisor

Lorena Martos

Degree in International Trade and Marketing

Spain   United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland   Germany   France

Lorena has the industry in her blood as she is the daughter of our CEO. Since she was a child she has been able to observe and learn the details and secrets of the sector inside-out and alongside her mother. While studying, she wanted to do her practices at Canarinvest Properties and discovered her passion and the satisfaction she experiences when she is able to help clients achieve their dreams.


Satisfied clients


Sold or rented properties

our mission

We want to turn the real estate transaction process into a pleasant experience for our clients, while at the same time awakening their desire to repeat their transactions with us. We want to exceed all their expectations and achieve that satisfied customers recommend us without hesitation.

our vision

Canarinvest Properties wants to be the first choice in the south of Gran Canaria for clients who are looking for the best real estate advice and maximum guarantees; a company, whose members work honestly and protect the interests of the clients.

The opinion of our clients

These are the real comments about us, that our clients have published on social networks …

  • Radek Stachyra

    They are very helpfull. Give you the best choice and advice in the best professional way.

  • Mónica Fleitas López

    Continuar trabajando es ayudar

  • Monika Gunz Mg

    Renate und ihr Team sind auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen. Auch in der Nachbetreuung ist auf Canarinvest und Ihre Mitarbeiter zu 100 % Verlass. Renate und ihre Tochter Lorena sprechen perfekt spanisch und selbstverständlich deutsch.
    Ich würde auch in Zukunft alles über dieses Immobilienbüro abwickeln.

  • Elisabet K. Facy

    I emphatically recommend this team! Selling an apartment in GC while living abroad seems an impossible task, but Piotr and Renate took care of every single aspect of the sale for me and closed within a week of our first meeting!! All bureaucratic transactions have been completed by them and they kept me appraised every step of the way, even late night. Piotr, Renate: thank you again so much for your efforts!🥳👍😁

  • Helga Lauterbour

    Wir können Canarinvest wirklich empfehlen👍die sind wirklich für Ihre Kunde da wenn man Sie braucht.Lg Helga 😎 😎

  • Andrea Vintila

    Hace un mes compramos nuestra casa con Canarinvest!!!Desde que la vimos,sentimos que iba a ser nuestra....aunque durante la operación surgieron varios imprevistos,que por poco echan a perder la oportunidad,Renate en todo momento nos transmitió tranquilidad,y gracias a su profesionalidad pudimos solucionarlo!!!!
    Una gran profesional del sector pero sobre todo una gran persona!!!!!
    Para nosotros un sueño cumplido!!!Muy recomendable!!!!Gracias

  • Marc Leo

    Einfach nur TOP
    … and the points go to Austria – RENATE und TEAM …

    Renate Arnsteiner hält jede Aussage und jedes Versprechen … nicht nur leere Worte, wie von allen anderen Marklern, die ich auf der Insel kennen gelernt habe … und das waren etliche…

    Nach langer Suche und vielen Enttäuschungen durch renomierte Markler auf der Insel nach einer passenden Immobilie und dem richtigen Markler bin ich leider erst spät bei Renate gelandet.
    Renate und Ihr Team haben sich um alles gekümmert – ein „rund um sorglos“ Packet – Verhandlungen mit der Bank, Preisverhandlungen mit dem Verkäufer, Sondervereinbarungen in der Übergangszeit …

    Besser geht es nicht – wirklich!

    Wenn jemand Eigentum sicher und fair erwerben will oder auch sein Eigentum verkaufen will gibt es nur eine Adresse auf den kanarischen Inseln…. CANARINVEST PROPERTIES..

    Vielen Dank an dich Renate und dein ganzes Team – ihr seit TOP und aus meiner Sicht die einzigste Adresse an die man sich auf der Insel wenden kann.

    Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland,

  • Carlos Castellanos

    Recomendable profesionales



Search engine of properties

Thanks to our agreement with more than 100 real estate agencies in Gran Canaria, we dispose of a real estate exchange that enables us to offer all types of apartments, business premises, plots and investment properties.

Don´t hesitate. Activate our search engine and choose your future house.


Special services for foreigners

If you are a foreigner and do not know how the Spanish real estate system and legal procedures work, don´t worry. At Canarinvest we take care of everything, during the purchase process and, as well, after the sale:

  • Financing, fiscal representation.
  • Currency exchange and transfer.
  • Registration/cancellation/changes of water, electricity, telephone-services, etc.
  • Payment of taxes, etc.

Personalized advice

At Canarinvest we care about you. We know that buying a house is a very delicate and important operation.

That is why we accompany you through all the procedures, making sure that all the steps are in accordance with the law and are supervised by our staff:

  • Pre-financing.
  • Signing of contracts.
  • Legalization of deeds.
  • Registration procedures, etc.

Professional network

Our company would not be able to guarantee this customer service without the support of a network of highly qualified professionals. All our partners have been carefully selected and reviewed for the collaboration with us.

Our collaborators

These are our partners with whom we collaborate.

To get more information, please position the cursor on each company; by clicking you will be redirected to the respective websites.


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